As Covid becomes just another fact of life that we have to learn to live with, Hidden Lives counsellor Laura gives us some practical tips to feel less anxious and worried.
Keep in touch with people
When staying at home and feeling isolated, its important to stay connected and maintain your social networks as best you can. Stay in regular contact by phone, email, text and social media. Try to keep to your routine of calling family on Sunday or chatting with friends on Friday night.
Limit the news
Is the news contributing to your anxiety? is the constant stream of reports on global events and conflicts making you distressed? Consider limiting the amount of news watched. It is important to keep up to date but try to stick to the more trusted sources like BBC, Sky or even the NHS for the latest health advise. This will steer you away from any misinformation. Try to only check at specific times, maybe just once or twice a day.
Have a break from your worries!
Avoid social media posts about subjects that cause you anxiety by muting key words, hiding specific groups and avoid clicking on associated #Hastags . It doesn't have to be for a long time, but a break for a while will help if it is becoming overwhelming.
Focus on the now
These are uncontrollable events so focus on the things in your life that you can control. Try not to worry about the future, its the now you should focus on.
Take notice of the sights, sounds, tastes and other sensory experiences in your immediate moment and name them. Practice other mindfulness activities that will help you stay grounded when things start to get out of your control. Visit the Hidden Lives Facebook page for more grounding techniques.
Have a nature bath!! go out if you can and spend some time immersed in nature, breathe it in and get muddy feet.
Follow the best practices in healthy eating, sleep, exercise and stay hydrated.
Pay attention to your feelings and needs. Its ok to rest, its ok to have a time out from the world. Take time out to do something for yourself like read a book or watch a movie.
Try to keep things in perspective. Remember Hidden Lives is here to support you so please give us a message or call if you need our help.

Whilst no diet has been shown to help experts recommend to lose weight, avoid drinking too much coffee and tea.
Healthy body, healthy mind. 🍏🍊🍎
Also treatments like massage , acupuncture and physiotherapy can all soothe pain and raise morale. But only you will know 100% if you are benefiting.
Some of the biggest benefits is exercise, reducing mental stress and sound sleep these are key to reducing pain and fatigue of Fibro.